Classes – Current and Upcoming

Attention KH Members and Not-Yet-Members:

The Education Committee wants YOU.

Do you like to  teach, lead classes, and impart your knowledge?
Well, we want YOU!
We are currently scheduling classes.
If you would like to participate, please email:
We will be happy to schedule your class(es) for next year.

Please ensure you sign up for the classes using the link indicated under the description for the classes.

Books and Bagels

2024 – 2025 Schedule – All events are at 10:00 AM (Please check our newsletter for Zoom instructions or location for each event)

September 8 – McBride: Heaven and Earth Grocery Store

November 3 – Kessler: Palestine 1936

December 8 – Berest: The Postcard

January 5 – Nathan: My Life in Recipes

February 9 – Lapid: On Her Own

March 2 – Brandwein: Pursuing Justice

April 6 – Klagsbrun: Henrietta Szold

May 4 – Fruchter: City of Laughter

June 1 – Acho & Tishby: Uncomfortable Conversations

Lunch and Get to Know Their Stories

This year’s dates and speakers:

January 14: Lily Pelzman

February 11: Claudine Bing

March 11: Paige Jacobson

(Sign Up Information Will Be Available Closer to these Dates)

KH Movie Club

Our next presentation of the KH movie club will be on Tuesday, February 25th at 6:45 PM.  We will show “The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz” a 1974 comedy-drama starring Richard Dreyfus.  It’s about an ambitious yet ruthless young man who pursues his goal of owning property as a way of making a name for himself.  This is a don’t miss movie!

Location: At the home of Ann and Bob Lieberman. CLICK HERE TO RSVP.

Shalom Meditation in Town at Selby Library

Please register below (If you don’t see the form press “More Info”)

Learn how to bring more shalom into your life.

This is a gathering to learn how to find new ways to peace, contentment, and joy with Rabbi Sigal.

She will lead guided meditation, teach Torah and facilitate a conversation.

All are welcome. No meditation experience is necessary. Space is limited. Must Register.


Rosh Chodesh

Theme for the 2024-2025 Season: “Through the Year with Hebrew Women”.

Please join us on the first Tuesday of each month, 2:00 PM.  We will meet in the different homes so stay tuned to our weekly newsletters for updates.

November 5th – Cheshvan
December 3rd – Kislev
January 7th – Tevet
February 4th – Shevat
March 4th – Adar
April 1st – Nisan
May 6th – Iyar

New members are always welcome.

Contact the coordinator, Anne Schimberg, for more information.

Contemplating Buber’s I-Thou at Selby Library

Please register below (If you don’t see the form press “More Information”)

Rabbi Sigal is offering two sessions to explore Martin Buber’s poetic philosophy. This contemplative journey provides a meaningful opportunity to engage with insights on relating to one another, the world, and the divine, as articulated by Buber, one of the 20th century’s greatest thinkers.

Together, we will contrast I-Thou relationships with the utilitarian I-It mode and reflect on the role of presence and dialogue in fostering authentic encounters.

Second session is April 3rd.

All are welcome. No experience is necessary.

Space is limited.


Shabbat Dinners at Members’ Homes

Join fellow congregants on Friday night March 21, at 6:30 pm for a warm and welcoming Shabbat experience. Sing together, have good food, congenial company and good conversation. Get to know new friends.  Diane Baum will assign you to a host home and you will arrange your contribution to the meal with your host.

Become a Shabbat Dinner Host

We’re beginning the process of rounding up hosts, and soon we’ll assign guests to individual homes. The special pleasure of being a host means seating eight or more (including you) at your table. Hosts provide the wine and the main course and coordinate the menu with their guests so that everybody contributes to the meal. The congregation will provide booklets with blessings and songs for the occasion.

Click Here to RSVP to attend or VOLUNTEER as a HOST.

MEND-ful Meditation and Movement at Fruitville Library

Please register below (If you don’t see the form press “More Info”)

Rabbi Sigal, Congregation Kol HaNeshama Rabbi and creator of MEND-ful- Live Connected will lead a mini-retreat for the soul.

The experience includes guided movement, meditation and conversation to free the mind and heart from habitual self-loathing and heartbreaks and find ways to peace and joy.

Join her on Shabbat morning at the Library. All are welcome. No meditation experience is necessary. Dress comfortably.

Space is limited please register below.

Contemplating Buber’s I-Thou at Selby Library

Please register below (If you don’t see the form press “More Information”)

Rabbi Sigal is offering two sessions to explore Martin Buber’s poetic philosophy. This contemplative journey provides a meaningful opportunity to engage with insights on relating to one another, the world, and the divine, as articulated by Buber, one of the 20th century’s greatest thinkers.

Together, we will contrast I-Thou relationships with the utilitarian I-It mode and reflect on the role of presence and dialogue in fostering authentic encounters.

All are welcome. No experience is necessary.

Space is limited.


Mail: Kol HaNeshama

PO Box 21655

Sarasota, FL 34276

Phone: 941-244-2042
CLICK HERE to Email Us



Community Day School – Hershorin Schiff Community Day School

4335 Wilkinson Rd, Sarasota, FL 34233



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