Preparing for a New Year with Elul Reflections

During the month of Elul we prepare our heart and soul for a New Jewish Year and return to the land of our soul. Through a daily practice of Teshuvah we are reminded that we are not separated from each other, from our world, from God and from the infinite fabric of existence. 

We dedicate the month of Elul to meaningful reflection, to turning, returning and mending.

A daily Elul practice will enhance your preparation for the New Year.

You don’t have to implement changes right away. During Elul we reflect and get to know ourselves and the different areas in our lives by honestly looking and learning more about ourselves.

Here are a few suggestions to guide your contemplation:

Take a few minutes a day to breathe and feel and reflect on specific areas of life. Please be gentle and kind in your reflections. You can choose a different question or two and write about them and return to the other questions on other days.

What does it feel like to be at home in yourself and in your soul?

What does “return to the land of your soul” mean to you?

Listen to what arise when you ask the questions. It may be as simple as a sense of rest and renewal.

What would you like to connect with in the New Year?

What are some of the ways you may want to bring more connection into your life?

What do you need to remember about staying connected?

What do you feel separated and disconnected from?

Do you want to reconnect? How can you go about it?

Listen: Return to the Land of Your Soul

Listen: Achat Sha’alti (Psalm 27:4) The Psalm of the month to support your daily practice.

I look forward to being together at Kol HaNeshama’s High Holy Days season, in person as well as virtually.

Rabbi Sigal

See High Holy Days Information in this link


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Community Day School – Hershorin Schiff Community Day School

4335 Wilkinson Rd, Sarasota, FL 34233



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